Magento Blog Extension Installation Services

Synic Systems Pvt Ltd is leading Magento  Extension Development Company in Chennai, India. We have 5+ years of experience in Magento  Extension Development Services and installed  the Magento Extensions for our Clients Magento stores in around the world.

The Blog is one of the most important marketing ways to get business improved on sales and visitors aspect. The Blog content aims to offers, news, new products release announcements, etc to keep your customers informed. In addition, customers can provide immediate feedback that will help improve your business.

The Blog posts make the search of the necessary/important information faster and easier from many search engines. As a result customers will spend more time on your website and its popularity will raise building relevant SEO-friendly messages links it will help you to visitors who just search something in the Internet.
Synic Magento Blog add-on is developed to add a dynamic blog functionality platform to your Magento online store. The Synic Magento blog allows your customers to utilize a lot of functions. The intuitive commenting interface for blog posts and spam control tools ensure that the content on your site is relevant and informative.
Synic Magento Blog Extension Features:-
  • Ability to enable/disable Blog from your store backend.
  • Ability to enable/disable customers comments from your store backend.
  • Ability to auto approval for customer’s comments.
  • Ability to received email once customers post comments on Blog post.
  • Ability to bulk approve/delete from your store backend for Blog comments.
  • Ability to enable/disable from your store backend for Blog categories.
  • Ability to enable/disable from your store backend for Blog posts.
  • Ability to Import/Export of categories and posts.
  • Ability to search functions for both Blog category and Blog post.
  • Ability to assign the Blog posts per page.
  • Ability to enable login required for post comments.
  • Ability to manage the Blog categories and posts from Google sitemaps.
  • Ability to add social media sharing integration
  • Ability to add recent post widgets and recent comments widgets.
  • Ability to change date format around.
  • Implemented Google Re-captcha live system.
  • Author and author Google plus profile link ( SEO Reason)
  • Ability to choose grid or list blog views
  • Ability to set Meta Description, Key words, Page title for each category and posts.
  • Ability to add related products to each post by tags (set the same tags for blog post and product)
  • SEO friendly (SEO friendly URL for blog posts and categories)
  • Fully compatible with Magenot responsive theme 1.7, 1.8,1.9, 2.x versions.

Benefit of Synic Featured Magento Blog Extension:-

  • Build Trust and Demonstrate Your Expertise
  • Attract Relevant Traffic to Your Site.
  • Blog Posts Provide Valuable Content for Social Media.
  • ·logging is a Marketing Investment.
  • Your Sales Team Benefits Too.
  • Blogging Generates Leads.
  • Get Feedback from Customers.

Tags:- Magento Blog Extension l Synic Magento Blog Add-on l Magento Advanced Blog Extension l Magento Featured Blog Module Development l Magento Blog Module Development Services l Magento Blog Extension Version 1.6, 1.7, 1.8,1.9, 2.x l Magento Blogging Extension Installation l

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